Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hi, my name is Jim and I'm colorblind..

Yeah, that picture to the left with all the dots, to me, looks like a picture of a bunch of dots. I have been told by others that in actuality there is a number that is apparent to those that don't have my "condition". I don't see it. I will never see it. I wish I could see it, I wish none of us had any deficiencies or weaknesses. My one brother is almost blind in one eye and he had to wear those goofy looking glasses that strap around your head to protect his good eye playing sports. I know someone that has some heart condition that if she stands in one place for 11 min. she will pass out. I have a friend that has almost no sense of smell another that had a heart transplant, some are too short, some too tall, and some allergic to nuts. Reality check, no one is perfect. I hate having to depend on people, especially due to my weaknesses, I hate asking "Does this match?", but sometimes I don't, then I end up looking like a clown. No one wants to depend on others, but no one wants to look like a clown either. We all have these weaknesses, some physical, some emotional, and some spiritual. The cool thing is that we also have strengths. I can smell really good. Paul writes this letter to a church in the city of Corinth reminding them that they are "like a body". Each person unique but not independent of the others, complementary and dependent in their relationships. Like the different parts of the body, ears, nose, arms, legs, eyes, all important, all needed, all different. That's what friends are for. We need each other for life, that means bring your weaknesses but also bring your strengths. Lean on others but be ready to be leaned on. My name is Jim and I'm colorblind and I hate looking like a clown. (names have not been used to protect those with issues.)


Sandy said...

So, I guess there are 2 important points here. First, we have to admit our own weaknesses. Not an easy task at times, so thank you for being so candid (I know its a "soft spot" for you). With that, we then can accept our need for others, which I'm sure was God's intention all along. Why else would He have created Eve? Second, we have to allow those around us their weaknesses, without judgment. This puts us in a place where we can help fill a need for another (like reaching for my favorite coffee mug on your top shelf). Admitting our weakness can allow another to maximize their strength. Pride is the enemy of this scenerio. By the way, I've never seen you look like a clown & the number is 45.

Sandy said...

P.S. Love the iPod shave.

Matt Carson said...

jim, sandy is correct, the number is 45. don't worry man, you aren't missing much. i don't feel any better knowing that those stupid dots say 45. don't be so hard on yourself and i'll be happy to help you out w/ vision stuff; god blessed me with a good set of peep-ers. i'll come to you w/ any olfactory questions i have (just let me know if i have BO okay?). good job w/ the piano yesterday by the way!

sarita said...

Jim, nice post. I taught the kids about spiritual gifts in the church and how it relates to Moses' life. and I made them all write a 3 paragraph essay about it that's due tomorrow. Maybe some of them will share some similar insights to what you shared. ha, probably not.. but it'd be cool to share your post with the class, I bet they'd like that. :) thanks!

ps... were talking about me when you said you had a friend who can't smell? ohhhh boy.