(Before reading this go grab a glass of water) The other day I had breakfast with Isidore and we were talking about living the life that God has called us to. While we talked of our calling as Christians I looked down at the glass of water that was in my hands. Then it hit me. The thing about reaching the world for Christ is we have to be willing to fit into the world. We have to ebb and flow where we are taken in this world, posturing ourselves to the lost is not just a good idea it is the point of it all. We are to be like that glass of water. God takes that glass of water and pours it all over this lost world, in neighborhoods, in schools, in bars, the inner city, other countries, the poor, the rich, they all get and they all deserve this water. This living water, it's us, our at least it's supposed to be us. The thing about water as a liquid is that it takes the shape of the container that holds it, it slips and sinks and flows into the cracks that it is poured into and on. The problem with us, or maybe its just me, is that maybe I'm not a liquid maybe I am block of ice. Ice is rigid, it is unmoving, it is not fluid it does not flow. The only place that ice fits is the container in which it was created. Isn't it ironic that many Christians "fit" best in the place they where created, in the pews, within the church building. God takes this ice and throws us at the world and we don't fit. We bounce off the doors of our unsaved neighbors homes, the bars, those places where the lost are, we bounce. Ice is rigid, but not water, water flows under doors into houses into bars into lives. Jesus said "I am the living water", he also said "I came for the sick and the lost" and last but not least he said "follow me". So where does this leave us?
Cheers, enjoy the water.
We should start a club.
good post jim
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. - Henry Drummond
Guess that's what it all boils down to...how much do we truly love?
touche' pastor jim.
what a quandry :)
being "liquid" is our calling as Christians, but the thing is...with being "liquid"... being in the world, but still set apart...being liquid enough to love any and every one in all circumstances...is that...with this liquidity comes a higher calling for accountability. if we don't love like Christ, while also LIVING like Christ, our "mission" becomes...pretty ineffective. I can be pretty ineffective most of the time...i think i need christian babysitting as of late...if you know what I mean. but the calling is still out there... can I be committed to at least really trying to be set apart, but loving unconditionally in a crazy upsidedown world...I guess I should at least try.
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